Thursday, October 30, 2014
Friday, October 31st HAPPY ALL HALLOW'S EVE!
Today Dr. Jones will be your Guest Lecturer :)
Homework: None, have a safe and fun Halloween Weekend.
Thursday, October 30th
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Giants won...end of sentence. Periods 1 & 2=Start on Islamic Empires (Ch. 2 Sect. 2) reading and questions as a class. Periods 4-7=Complete Islamic Empires Questions and review as a class with the last 15 minutes left in-class.
Homework: PERIODS 4-7 ONLY=Complete Ramadan Brainpop follow-up worksheet for 10 points (these are all or nothing points that will be checked at start of class tomorrow).
Wednesday, October 29th
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Royals beat the Giants, so good, relaxing HW.
Homework: NONE :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tuesday, October 28th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Finish Rise of Islam Questions as a class. Watch The Hojj documentary and discuss as a class. Periods 4-7=Watch Hajj documentary and take notes on your iPad as its playing. Start on Spread of Islam (Ch. 2 Sect. 2), reading and questions.
Homework: None.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Monday, October 27th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Weekend Wrap-Ups, then pick-up where you left off with reading and questions on the Rise of Islam (Ch. 2 Sect. 1). Periods 4-7=Weekend Wrap-Ups, then review 5 Pillars of Islam activity that you completed as a class on Friday.
Homework: None.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Friday, October 24th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Spend all class working as a group reading and answering questions on the Rise of Islam (starting on Page 175). Periods 4 & 7=Take out 5 Pillars of Islam handout I gave you at the end of class yesterday and begin delving into the 5 Pillars of Islam. Be detailed using your book (Page 180) and your iPad...but be sure to CLOSE OUT ALL YOUR OTHER APPS. When done with detailed analysis, description (including names of the 5 Pillars in Farsi) and drawings if you like, THEN turn-over your sheet and take notes on Ch. 2 Section 2 (starting on Page 181).
Homework: None.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Wednesday, October 22nd
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Spend all of class reviewing for Islam Map Quiz tomorrow. Periods 4-7=Start out by reviewing for Islam Map #1 Quiz tomorrow. Then continue to read Ch. 2 Sect. 1 and answer Rise of Islam questions.
Homework: ALL CLASSES=Study for Islam Map #1 Quiz TOMORROW.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Tuesday, October 21st
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Spend most of class reviewing for Islam Map Quiz on Thursday. Periods 4-7=Start out by reviewing for Islam Map #1 Quiz on Thursday. Then begin to read Ch. 2 Sect. 1 as a class to start and answer Rise of Islam questions.
Homework: ALL CLASSES=Study for Islam Map #1 Quiz on Thursday.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Monday, October 20th
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Review Islam Map and study as a class with new map (and helper guide).
Homework: Study for Islam Map Quiz (this week).
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Friday, October17th
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Work on Islam Map for entire class and be extra good for my friend Mr. Blake.
Homework: None, have a great weekend! :)
Thursday, October 16th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Take Rome Test and then work on finishing organizing your Rome/Byzantine Empire Unit Notebook. Periods 4-7=Turn-In Rome/Byzantine Empire Unit Notebook to start class, then preview Islam Unit with Google Earth Fun :)
Homework: Periods 1 & 2=Rome/Byzantine Empire Unit Notebook is due at start of class. Periods 4-7=None (you've earned it).
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Wednesday, October 15th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Study all class for Rome Test tomorrow. Periods 4-7=Take Byzantine Empire quiz and then use rest of class to organize notebooks (Due Tomorrow).
Homework: Periods 1 & 2=Study for Rome Test tomorrow. Also organize Rome/Byzantine Empire notebook for notebook check on Friday. Periods 4-7=Organize Rome/Byzantine Empire notebook for notebook check tomorrow.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Tuesday, October 14th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Review Day for Rome Unit Test on Thursday. Then explain and handout Rome/Byzantine Unit notebook table of Contents. You may also work on organizing your notebook. Periods 4-7=Review Cornell Notes follow-up questions as a class. Time to study for Byzantine Empire quiz tomorrow.
Homework: Periods 1 & 2=Study for Rome Unit Test on Thursday. Periods 4-7=Study for Byzantine Empire quiz tomorrow. ALL CLASSES=Work on Organizing Notebook for Notebook Check.
Monday, October 13th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=First Weekend Wrap-Ups. Then finish class reading on Byzantine Civilization. If time, hand out study guide and begin reviewing for Rome/Byzantine Test on Thursday. Periods 4-7=Weekend Wrap-Ups first. Then complete follow-up assignment to Cornell Notes after we review them as a class.
Homework: Periods 1 & 2=Study for Rome/Byzantine Test on Thursday. Periods 4-7=Study for Byzantine Quiz on Wednesday.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Friday, October 10th
Agenda: Periods 1-2=Continue to read Ch. 1 Sect. 3 on the Byzantine Empire. Periods 4-7=Turn-in Cornell Notes after finishing them by end of class today. Friday Fun Day: Watch Chariot Racing scene from Ben Hur :)
Homework: ALL CLASSES=None.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Thursday, October 9th
Agenda: Periods 4-7=Continue Cornell Notes for Ch. 1 Sect. 3 on the Byzantine Empire. You'll start by finding your "study buddy" and grouping up with them. Then you TWO will review the notes you took on Roman Numeral #1 Red Heading titled: The Rise of the Byzantines. Then after reviewing those, you'll work quietly with your partner to complete Roman Numeral #2 (starts with title Emperor Justinian).
Homework: Complete Cornell Notes UP TO Roman Numeral #3: The Byzantine Church (PG. 161).
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Wednesday, October 8th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Start studying for Roman Empire Test. Periods 4-7=Introduce and start on Cornell Notes on the Byzantine Empire. We'll work together as a class, then you'll work in groups of two.
Homework: Periods 4-7 ONLY=Continue working on Cornell Notes.
Tuesday, October 7th
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2=Present Fall of Rome Storyboards in groups. Periods 4-7=Turn-in Fall of Rome Storyboards and discuss. Then have fun with a little Latin lesson :)
Homework: PERIODS 4-7 ONLY=Bring a Red, Blue and Black pen tomorrow.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Monday, October 6th
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Work on Fall of Rome Storyboards for entire class period.
Homework: ALL CLASSES=Storyboards Due TOMORROW at start of class!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Friday, October 3rd
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Work on Fall of Rome Storyboards for entire class period.
Homework: PERIODS 4-7 ONLY=Storyboards are Due on TUESDAY at start of class.
Thursday, October 2nd
Agenda: ALL CLASSES=Work on Fall of Rome Storyboards for entire class period.
Homework: PERIODS 4-7 ONLY=Storyboards are Due on TUESDAY at start of class.
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Tuesday/Wednesday, April 14th & 15th
Agenda/Homework: Complete Ch. 5: The Decline of Feudalism Voc. page (make sure you fill them out like you see them in the reading).
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2: Today we'll be reviewing Trajan questions as a class. After this, we'll be reading about Emperor Hadrian...
Agenda: *iPad Day* Today we'll be using the 1st Lunar landing as a our historical event to analyze. Using a clip of the first Moon Landi...
Agenda: Weekend Wrap-Ups, then review the chart you did on Page 74 with Mrs. S. on Friday in groups of 3 (two people who were here and one t...