Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, August 31st

Agenda: Have fun analyzing and making inferences about your partner's Bio. Box! If time, Weekend Wrap-Ups. Homework: None.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Friday, August 28th

Agenda: Get books and explain Bio Box Activity for Monday. Homework: Bring 5 items in Bio Box for sharing with a classmate/young archeologist on a dig for Monday :) Also, get class contract signed by your parents and turn-in Who Are You if you haven't yet.

Thursday, August 27th

Agenda: Seating Chart and finish Summer Break Wrap-Ups. Homework: See tomorrow and homework calendar.

Tuesday/Wednesday, April 14th & 15th

Agenda/Homework: Complete Ch. 5: The Decline of Feudalism Voc. page (make sure you fill them out like you see them in the reading).