Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Tuesday/Wednesday, March 31st & April 1st
Agenda/Homework: First of all we'll have a brief Zoom discussion. Then please continue to work on your Ch. 4 Packet. Today you'll focus on Sections 2-4 (make sure your answers are detailed). *Remember, no need to submit to classwork tab yet because the entire Ch. 4 Packet will be due at the end of the day on Thursday* Also watch Edpuzzle I posted on Life in Medieval Towns.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Friday/Monday, March 27th & 30th
Agenda/Homework: We're going to keep it lite since you guys worked hard on finishing your Ch. 3 Questions yesterday. Please watch the Edpuzzle I posted and feel free to join us for an OPTIONAL Zoom meeting (a few minutes to check in and answer questions you had on the Ch. 3 Packet). Also read Ch. 4 & complete preview and four vocabulary terms by the next time we meet please.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Wednesday/Thursday, March 25th & 26th
Agenda/Homework: Please finish and submit your Ch. 3 packet and voc. by 3PM on Thursday. *The processing is optional*
Monday, March 23, 2020
Monday/Tuesday, March 23rd & 24th
Agenda/Homework: Please read and start working on the Ch. 3 Questions. Today you're responsible for reading/highlighting the entire chapter AND for completing the vocabulary + answering the questions for Sections 1 & 2. *Everything is posted on Google classroom, thank you*
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Thursday/Friday, March 19th & 20th
Agenda/Homework: Please read the documents I've attached & use them to fill in the chart on similarities between Samurai & Knights. I know you'll find all the similarities very fascinating! When you're done, please submit to the classwork tab on Google classroom.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Tuesday/Wednesday, March 17th & 18th
Agenda/Homework: Watch Edpuzzles on Charlemenge & the Feudal System I posted and answer questions by 3PM on Thursday.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Monday, March 16th
Agenda/Homework: Today's assignment is to finish the processing at the end of the Ch. 2 packet.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Thursday, March 12th
Agenda: You may bring your backpacks in today please. Turn-in permission slips for A Knight's Tale. Watch first part of Catapult Building doc. & take notes.
Homework: Knight's Tale Permission Slip is due TOMORROW!! If you don't have it in, you can't watch and have to do busy work instead :(
Wednesday, March 11th
Agenda: *iPad Day* Check/Review Ch. 2 Sections 1 & 2 as a class. While I'm checking, please be quietly reading Sects. 3-6. After we've checked 1 & 2, you'll work with a partner on Sects. 3-6. BE DETAILED.
Homework: Get A Knight's Tale permission slip signed, by FRIDAY at the latest! And finish through Section 6 by start of class tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Tuesday, March 10th
Agenda: *iPad Day* Check & review Ch. 2 voc. as a class. Then let's all, "suddenly remember our Charlemagne". After that, we'll do the Preview together as a class and work on Sections 1 & 2 individually.
Homework: None, if you've finished Sections 1 & 2 Q.'s by end of class.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Monday, March 9th
Agenda: *iPad Day* Weekend Wrap-Ups first. Then work on Ch. 2 Voc. After finish with the voc., please read and highlight Ch. 2.
Homework: None, if Ch. 2 Voc. is done by the end of class.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Friday, March 6th
Agenda: Finish Japan Group project presentations. Then debrief by checking notes & working with your group on topic quiz. THIS WILL BE PART OF YOUR GROUP GRADE, SO PLEASE WORK TOGETHER & TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.
Homework: None.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Thursday, March 5th
Agenda: Finish up Japan group presentations and then watch more of Way of the Horse and Bow samurai documentary.
Homework: None.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Tuesday, March 3rd
Agenda: Day 2 of Japan group presentations. Please make sure you're respectful & taking good notes during the presentations.
Homework: None, if you've presented.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Monday, March 2nd
Agenda: Weekend Wrap-Ups, then have first 2 groups present your Japan Group Projects. All others will be taking notes while groups present. After those groups have gone, time to reflect and prepare if your group is still to go.
Homework: None, IF you've already presented.
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Tuesday/Wednesday, April 14th & 15th
Agenda/Homework: Complete Ch. 5: The Decline of Feudalism Voc. page (make sure you fill them out like you see them in the reading).
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2: Today we'll be reviewing Trajan questions as a class. After this, we'll be reading about Emperor Hadrian...
Agenda: *iPad Day* Today we'll be using the 1st Lunar landing as a our historical event to analyze. Using a clip of the first Moon Landi...
Agenda: Weekend Wrap-Ups, then review the chart you did on Page 74 with Mrs. S. on Friday in groups of 3 (two people who were here and one t...