Monday, February 25, 2019
Monday, February 25th
Agenda: Please leave your iPads outside today, thanks! Weekend Wrap-ups. Then world map review with Mrs. Schreiner. **Make sure to leave your completed map that you turned in before break at the TA desk. And if you need to still turn your's in: because you were absent or you neglected to do so, then put them in a neat pile in front of the stack for your period please!**
Homework: None, because you'll be getting your maps back tomorrow to study for our World Map Quiz on Wednesday.
P.S. Please be good for and respectful to Mrs. Schreiner, she taught at MBMS for 50 years and she knows an awful lot about our world that you'll be quizzed on Wednesday.
Tuesday/Wednesday, April 14th & 15th
Agenda/Homework: Complete Ch. 5: The Decline of Feudalism Voc. page (make sure you fill them out like you see them in the reading).
Agenda: Periods 1 & 2: Today we'll be reviewing Trajan questions as a class. After this, we'll be reading about Emperor Hadrian...
Agenda: *iPad Day* Today we'll be using the 1st Lunar landing as a our historical event to analyze. Using a clip of the first Moon Landi...
Agenda: Weekend Wrap-Ups, then review the chart you did on Page 74 with Mrs. S. on Friday in groups of 3 (two people who were here and one t...